sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2020

Adriano Nunes: "Ode to George Floyd"

"Ode to George Floyd"

George Floyd was murdered
As have been murdered
Black people since the century
When white european people forged the discovery
Of a brand new world,

- We share his distressing shortness of breath!
We still feel the weight of that inhuman knee on his neck!
Dying is so fast! -

Since the white murderous machine
Thought, through his gears,
That can decide who will live, who will die.
And, since then, black people have been murdered.
George Floyd was murdered

- We share his distressing shortness of breath!
We still feel the weight of that inhuman knee on his neck!
Dying is so fast! -

Under the view of many people,
As black men were whipped to death,
Enslaved in America.
His pleas were useless.
His supplications were ignored.

- We share his distressing shortness of breath!
We still feel the weight of that inhuman knee on his neck!
Dying is so fast! -

He was not breathing.
The human requests from others were despised.
George Floyd was out of breath.
The white murderous machine has no ears for black people.
The white murderous machine has no eyes for black people.

- We share his distressing shortness of breath!
We still feel the weight of that inhuman knee on his neck!
Dying is so fast! -

The white murderous machine has no limits
To dictate its cowardly and cruel rules
Against black people.
The white murderous machine always has new oil for its parts, pulleys, wires, hands, revolvers, truncheons, automatic pistols, feet, and its knees.
The white murderous machine has always updated revisions and warranty ad infinitum.

- We share his distressing shortness of breath!
We still feel the weight of that inhuman knee on his neck!
Dying is so fast! -

The white murderous machine has the legitimacy of many white people to be their white murderous machine.
It just forgot one important detail:
We have the strength to revive George Floyd.
We have the power to bring to the memory of the world
That we will no longer accept that other identical barbarities happen.

- We share his distressing shortness of breath!
We still feel the weight of that inhuman knee on his neck!
Dying is so fast! -

We know its failure.
We have eyes, ears, mouths, hands, feet, mind, blood,
And a myriad of tools and weapons
To destroy its dismal machinery.
George Floyd will breathe again, alive, very alive!

Adriano Nunes

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